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The Kirby Gang Wiki is an official wiki dedicated to Kirby Gang, its members, the lore, and KirbyGang MC, also known as KGMC. This wiki was originally a fan-made wiki hosted on FANDOM in 2021, but once it was abandoned it was moved here. This wiki was originally created just for KGMC lore, but it was later decided to become a full migration of the original FANDOM wiki.
KirbyGang MC, also known as KGMC, is Kirby Gang's Minecraft server. It features its own lore, which this wiki attempts to document. KirbyGang MC is split into seasons, each new season being a reset of the server. KGMC's most popular season was Season 1. Because of this, most of the lore of the server can be found in Season 1. At the moment, this wiki is still incomplete, missing many different things from Season 1. You can help by joining the discord and editing the wiki to add any information you find.